Why Host & Learn



The best way to learn or practice a language is to be immersed in it, in a normal-life setting. You’re more likely to remember the language because you have instant context. Being in your own home gives you the feeling of comfort, making you less afraid to speak and practice.



For a fraction of the cost of going abroad to improve your language, you can have the “travelled abroad” experience in your home, where you feel most relaxed.



No travelling, spending time in traffic, searching for a teacher, printing out materials… Experience first-rate language training in the comfort of your own home, with certified and experienced teachers.

How It Works

1. Complete Your Profile

Fill our your basic details in our easy-to-use system, and upload your profile image. This can be your family, or your home, whichever you're comfortable with.  

We'll then ask you to choose a membership type. This will be dependent on your needs. Some packages include insurance for your home and its contents, but others do not, and simply allow you unlimited access to our tutors and stays. The choice is yours.  You'll receive an email confirmation once this step is completed. 

1. Complete Your Profile
2. Post your Listing

2. Post your Listing

This is when you give your home the chance to shine!

Make sure you take some clear and bright photos of the tutor's room, your living spaces, maybe your backyard - where ever you plan to be spending time, 

In this step, you'll outline when you'd like the tutor to join you. You will decide the total number of weeks you wish the tutor to stay. This ranges from 1 to 4 weeks. We've found the most common duration is 3 weeks for a really great impact, but any time spent immersed in your language with a tutor will be beneficial. 

Next, you can select either "exact dates" and input the weeks you wish the tutor to join you, or you can select "flexible dates" wherein you'll be asked to select entire months for the tutor to chose their desired weeks. 

You'll also outline the rules for your home, and select any amenities you offer. This will attract more tutors to your listing. Make sure you accuratly select these, as some are there for your/the tutors protection, (smoking households or those with pets someone may be allergic to). 

3. Check your Requests!

Tutors all over the world that specialize in your specific requirments are now able to see your listing. You will now likely see requests start rolling in. 

Once a tutor selects your listing, you'll be notified of their interest. You will then have the ability to see their entire tutor profile. This includes their education background, their specialities, details about them and also a video they have recorded for thier profile. This will allow you to see their accent, their character and their energy, to make sure it will match with your family. 

When you find someone you love, you'll just hit ACCEPT on their request. It's as easy as that. 

3. Check your Requests!
4. Get Ready for your Tutor

4. Get Ready for your Tutor

You'll now notice that you have a new page in your profile, where you can see confirmed tutor stays. There, you will be able to see your selected tutor's email address. You can now get in touch and prepare. 

You will also see the tutor's travel plans, flight details, etc, so that you can track their incoming travel and be there to pick them up from the airport/ train station. They will input this information once all is booked. 

As our training system is unique, and highly context-based, you won't have any books or materials to deal with, but it wouldn't hurt to start immersing yourself in your selected language from now! You have access to our libraries of information and videos, and access to our support hot-line where you can ask questions and get helpful tips on how to improve or keep yourself learning even after the tutor has departed. 


5. During the Tutor Stay

While your tutor is with you, feel free to organize as much or as little as you wish. You are under no obligation to show your tutor around your city, but many families choose to, as it's a great way to get some extra time practicing, and also to see your own city.  

Your tutor will be with you and your family, in your home, practicing with you for hours each day, but they also want to be a tourist. Any time you spend showing them around, will end up helping your language skills. 

Be sure to talk with your tutor on day one about any regulations you may have for your home. Tutors strictly know never to bring guests over, never to be doing anything against your house rules, etc. It's always good to chat about these items, though, and our full list of regulations for tutors can be found in our rules and regulations section. 

If at any time during your time with the tutor you have an issue, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our chatline is always open, and email works too. We aim to make this the best possible expereince for you and your family. 


5. During the Tutor Stay
6. After the Stay is Over

6. After the Stay is Over

Don't be sad! Many tutors and their hosts keep in touch for years! These relationships tend to be strong and long-lasting. 

You may also wish to meet someone new and continue your journey. You are free to sign up for as many stays as you wish during your membership term. If you're a great host, and tutprs like your family and home, you could have back-to-back tutors for the entire year theoretically. 

Once any stay is complete, you will continue to have access to our learning library for you and your family for the duration of your membership term. 

You will also receive an email requesting you rate your tutor. This is such valuable feedback for us, and for future hosts, as your rating will appear on the tutors profile to aid future families.