About Us

Tutor&Travel, together with our sister company Host&Learn, bring families that need to learn together with tutors that want to see the world. 

It's been hard to travel recently. Between the rising prices of accomodation and the world becoming a harder place to navigate, some of us are losing our motivation.  We want to help bring it back! 

Founded in 2022, Tutor&Travel started out taking the education world by storm. Originally, we only worked with schools and language institues to let their teachers travel during summer terms. Now, we've opened it up to everyone! 

Because we have our own training program, we're able to teach anyone how to successfully tutor using this more relaxed and natural menthod.  There's no book. There's no blackboard. This is contextual learning at its best! Think about yourself as a baby... how did you learn your native language? You were spoken to, in a comfortable setting, with a lot of natural context and repetition. That's the idea here, and we train tutors how to do it. 

Tutor&Travel is part of the Qupiq family of education and training companies, a giant in the industry with over 20 years of success.